Tuesday, April 28, 2009

An Ominous Silence ..Te Wai Pounamu Hui-a-Iwi...

There's been a ominous silence following the Christchurch Hui a Iwi!
No news from anyone apart from an odd email from my brother, a visit from a deeply concerned member, family fights and the flu! Life goes on ...
I thought there would be much more activity as the Wellington Hui was such a success despite the fact it was shut down by karakia - for the day - rather then just for lunch - as we all thought was going to happen. A good trick but in 2009, a little obvious. If you can't handle the heat - get out!

Here's the thing.

Ngati Mutunga Iwi Trust has been allocated quota ( ACE), shares, cash as a share of a Treaty settlement with Maori by Crown, FOR FISH. This did not include the land settlement.
The right to any Treaty asset exists because hopefully,members whakapapa to a tribe , in this case, Ngati Mutunga o Wharekauri and that includes members of the Runanga.
When TOKM allocated the assets to NMoW Iwi Trust, the Runanga members did not lose the right to the treaty assets, they lost the access because the NMoW Iwi Trust refused to engage in any form of dialogue, to sort out access rights for Runanga members.
That right remains today - and will not be going away. Those tasked with sorting out the current Iwi Trust mess, ought to remember this critical point. Hopefully another grievance will be avoided.

The entity eventually set up, had to follow certain rules set out by TOKM.
How it is managed, is also governed by rules, regulations, laws and Acts of Parliament. Those appointed to positions of management, are required to follow the rules - or were supposed to. My case against the Runanga was all about those who were appointed to the Board and who did not follow the rules.

Following the Wellington Hui,it has become obvious that there is much amiss within the Iwi Trust then previously known. In fact, in my view, when I read the audit overview papers, it is a bigger mess then the Runanga ever was. That must leave the Board in a most vulnerable position with its members who may or may not, chose to bring them to account for failing in their fiduciary duties of care. Saying ' its not my fault- I didn't do it' is not enough in today's economic climate. Insurance polices and Trustee indemnities, may not be enough to keep away responsibility for what has happened.

The question is ' how will they sort out the mess? What will be their priority?

Will it be cost ? i.e the least cost option which means members money will be saved.
Will it be a personal vendetta against individuals? i.e. to 'get them at all cost' for what they have done, make it publicly known,have personal ego's celebrated for 'getting them' and then to save the tribe last?
How will this help our whanau?. Will a personal vendetta help the economic,social, cultural and education needs of our whanau?
Will they chose the option that gives the greatest good to all?

One thing I am absolutely certain of is this - all governments want the what is good as it is what they are chosen to do - govern for the good of the people. They will not want tax payer money or the Treaty asset, wasted on individual vendetta's while the good of the tribe is ignored. That is not good leadership or governance by anyone, including the Trustees.
What ever they do - lets hope it is for the good of Ngati Mutunga o Wharekauri and its people, its rohe, is papakainga. They have taken a pounding over the past years.

The Runanga:
I am working through requests by the Maori Trustee, as set out in the Orders of the Court. There is further financial analysis to do before a report is handed back to the court and the new Chairman takes over. I will keep you informed of events as they happen.

cheers Evelyn

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