From its genesis as a splinter from its parent in the mid 90's, Ngati Mutunga Iwi Trust has always attracted drama and intrigue of the highest order. Like the conflicts between a defiant adolescent and parent, the ever widening relationship between the leaders of the Runangq and Ngati Mutunga o Wharekauri Trust, like power games anywhere in the world, inevitably caught the people and the Islands in a net of intrigue and deception.
As part of an audit review process, Ngati Mutunga o Wharekauri iwi Trust held the first of 3 Hui a Iwi, in Wellington on the weekend and it attracted a good turnout. The purpose of the Hui was to tell people about the scope of a total management audit and to hear what people wanted to say about it. And so they did ! And the kina ,crayfish and paua fitters were delicacies that reminded us of ourselves - soul food!
While I arrived late there was a good feeling amongst all. It is always good to see other Chatham Islanders ! I couldn't help noticing with relief, the presence of next two generations as part of the kaiwhakahaere team and the sense of a continuity of rangatiratanga - manaakitanga and kaitiakitanga, that they demonstrated. The capacity to look after people and to protect and support each other as we go through our lives, to face the challenges thrown at us and to find a pathway through, is really what it is all about. Strong and healthy communities are those that provide leadership and care that spills over to the flax roots level in meaning ways. if its not working for them, why should they support you ?
Have you ever wondered why no one takes any notice of the Chathams when it raises its voice in protest? We are 1% of the total Maori population and 0.0% of the total NZ population so in a world where numbers dictates everything, we really don't cause too much concern for Parliament except perhaps " What are we going to do with the Chathams?
So how should we respond? Wait for government to do it ? Or grow up and get on with the job?
The essence of a Treaty of Waitangi based Island in a post modern society must be that it has systems that empowers our whanau, hapu and the Iwi, where ever they are. The core unit of a tribe is the whanau. We only have one Rohe.
If we as an Iwi, cannot grow our whanau, our tribe will dissolve into an amorphous soup of unimportance and insignificance. Only we can change how Ngati Mutunga is to survive into the future.
It follows that those who are elected to represent the people of Mutunga on boards, companies or executive committee's, must bring benefit by way of products, services or by dividends and income to the people, i.e. to empower the tribe.
If you don't have the skills or experience to do the job, you have an obligation to get some training or to appoint people who can. No one knows everything about anything.
On the other hand, members need to appoint people who have the skills and experience who can strategically manage their assets and tribal organisation, to bring profit and benefit that you have, hopefully, identified previously. With a multi million dollar organisation, the current Ngati Mutunga o Wharekauri Board cannot ignore its corporate responsibilities as it manages itself and its subsidiaries, nor can it ignore its fiduciary duties to members. Underlying it all, is the continuing need to make sure the nature and extent of the Treaty right is protected and not lost. It is a huge responsibility and each tries to do their best.
So, how did the Hui go? How is the Board doing? Good question !
This was the first time I had been to NM Iwi Trust Hui and as there are several Treaty policies currently being addressed by
government, I was keen to know how the Iwi Trust was dealing with the issues. The protection mechanism of a Treaty based organisation can be found in the content of the constitution or Trust deed. As they had received the Treaty assets from TOKM, my expectation was that there would be stringent mechanisms in place - I had been part of the team that developed the rules so I was keenly focused on the presentation. Others made very equally focused enquiry abut the financial investment and management.
I think the best thing to say is that the audit review is well overdue and may in fact , be too late to rescue the organisation. With an 81 page document, the cost of reviewing must be weighed against the loss that is occurring or will occur and against fiduciary duties required by law. The Trust has been up and running for 5 years and there does not seem to be much growth of the assets or benefit back to the members by way of products, services and or dividend value.
The Board faced very pointed questions on the current state of the finances and seemed unable to answer clearly and at times, simply did not know the answers or chose to close down the questions. This brought a series of heated responses and a list of further queries were added to the review. It was also revealed that the Iwi Trust technically, has no mechanism in its deed for monitoring and protecting the Treaty based rights outlined above. Members then asked for copies of the agreement with TOKM as the situation seemed out of kilt and it seemed obvious TOKM would behave been aware of the situation. It seemed to be a mess on all fronts.
From my position, I felt the only way out was to do what I have been saying on the blog since the beginning - to form a joint working party to work on bringing the 2 groups together. In this way, the best of both constitutions, can be brought together in a new organisation without loss of assets or any mana of Ngati Mutunga or its people. It would then allow government to engage in a proper mandated Treaty settlement process with Ngati Mutunga o Wharekauri.
In the event, the Hui in Chch may well have a significant influence on how things will go for Mutunga of Wharekauri.
Lets hope they do the right thing!
It was a great Hui ! Good luck for the rest.
cheers Evelyn
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