I think the best way to respond to Steve is to publish him so that we can all know what is going on. The interesting thing about being open and transparent on the Internet, is there is no where to hide.
I get many responses to the different things written which is what happens with a blog that is on a global Internet. The blog offers opportunity for dialogue which is what humans need to do when there is conflict or debate. Perhaps others will respond as well.
"Kia ora whanau
this is a response to a blog from Evelyn which is below,
Evelyn never hears anyone else does she but she has been true to form since 1988 and we all can't deny that.
A report concerning the Audit Hui's will be put to Trustee's by the end of May from Wynn Williams than on to Iwi members so that will break the Ominous silence Evelyn can hear.
I see you breaking your Ominous silence to Te Karere yesterday Evelyn sounded like a personal vendetta against Charlie Preece.
I wonder where your consultation with Runanga members was before you headed to the High court or is this personal.
Well at least some of the current Trustee's of the Iwi trust are consulting with their Iwi members for direction, all of us who choose to live in NZ can't remember to much consulting going on since 1988 by any of our previous Ngati Mutunga O Wharekauri Iwi structures.
Evelyn it's a shame you didn't have a longer time slot to explain what process seen you hired at the Runanga last time Oop's and the whanau.
While you are being open about the past you should tell the Moko's and Te Karere a fishy story how the Runanga had a fishy Company and a toy fishy boat and use to catch fishy's while you are at it tell the Moko's who use to Captain the toy fishy boat and manage it's fishy Company and before they go to sleep tell the Moko's what happened to the fishy Company and the fishy's and the toy fishy boat.
Don't forget to record it all it could be a best seller then the moko's will be able to live happy ever after Yep we may even be able to buy them some chocolate fishy's .
Never mind Eve everything will be revealed all in good time got to say Eve I'm starting to smell some fishy's maybe the deep freeze has had enough and called it a day I hope some of those deep freeze's from 1988 do the same then not only the moko's can live happy ever after.
From your cruz,
Steve Tuuta
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