Thursday, April 9, 2009

Orders of The Court

It looks like the media statement has not been released yet as I am still waiting for Charlie to respond to the draft that was sent to him. Maybe he will send it out anyway - without checking with anyone , hopefully to newspapers in Chch, Wellington and Auckland as well as the Chathams.

Anyway, as I am not prepared to wait another 2 years to get information out, I am posting the Orders of the Court on Google groups site- Wharekauri, so that you can see what the court has ordered.
As per the order, we are currently going through a process of agreeing on the terms of engaging the Maori Trustee.

I keep harping on about the huge cost and loss of opportunity that has occurred with the actions by the Chair and the Board taken in 2007. This also includes the loss of access to government services including major economic policies like the Economic Summit for Maori, health and education initiatives during those 2 years. A critical issue is the seabed and foreshore debate. The Ministerial Review Panel on the Foreshore and Seabed Act 2004 is accepting written submissions up until 19 May 2009all groups with customary interests in the foreshore and seabed should make submissions. That means you. Ia anyone preparing a submission ? everyone should. I will post the details when I get them.

In the middle of case, my father's sister, Aunty Min (Te Miri), passed away in Chch. Confined to full time care as disease overcame her once fastidious focused mind, it was a relief to hear that she had gone. Amidst the chaos of the case, I needed to write of her, to mihi to her, as she had done so much for me during and for my life.
She had also told many stories and I had taped her telling those stories as I knew they were of a bygone era, about which, we would not hear from anyone else. So many of the issues being debated amongst the new kaumatua and kuia, would have been given greater credibility, if the stories of this generation, could have told to us all.
I will post the story when it is finished as I think we need to celebrate our kuia who achieved in her chosen profession of nursing, at a time in this country when the glass ceiling for Maori women was about 2 feet above the floor with a pinny and a scrubbing brush.

I loved to listen to her stories about going to school at Kairakau.. walking from Torotoro..she was brought up by Takiri ( daughter of Ngahiwi Dix) and Rua Herata. Ngahiwi was midwife to our grandmother, Te Amo Ngaonemaringi (Daymond) daughter of Te Amo Rereti and Matoha Daymond ( Tuhata) ...but there was bush about then... In her last year at school, there were 2 in her class, Mick Lanauze and her!
Their stories are critical as they tell us our real history...Hopefully someone will record his story and that of all our kaumatua and kuia.

This brings me to the notice I received about the Ngati Mutunga Trust Hui being held for the purpose of talking about a thousand things including an audit. Looks like you have to bring a sleeping bag, with a list that big. As a non-member, it looks scary! what do you guys do?

Maybe it's time we all sat down and had a yarn about how we can sort things out together. After all, we are all one tribe from an island Rohe - quite unique actually. And we are not going to go away. Why not sort out the mess together and try and find a better way of doing things as it is obvious, what's happening now , is not working.

Who knows.. maybe this was all meant to be ?

cheers Evelyn

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