Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Tangled Web Continues...

The ownership of water supply to people and communities is under hot debate at this moment. Government are moving legislation to virtually privatise supply of water for 35 years.
............................AND THAT INCLUDES YOU ON THE CHATHAMS!!
But where does your water come from now? It might be a good idea to check up. I know we always had a huge water tank and the water came from God ....and when there was a drought.. the stock suffered and we had to be very careful having a wash. I wonder how they will cook up a scheme to fit the Islands current water supply to homes .

. A bit like when they privatised the power and you had to pay to put in your line to your house.
Imagine , just like the road works and the bus service to our schools - all run by NZ companies . Now government is moving legislation so that your water will also be owned and run by NZ owned companies.. for 35 years...

So too are mining exploration on so called DOC land.- and we all know about the mining rights around the Chathams and those minerals that lie hidden in the Big Lake....although some people may think we don't know..............in fact some people may not know at all..

Why am I bringing this up now?

Because you have to face what's happening to you.
You have the opportunity to stand up to government and say " No" no more .. you have taken everything we have ". And they have.

The fish settlement is a joke. I will lay out the behind-the-cow-shed negotiation with TOKM and Ngati Mutunga Iwi Trust all the while the people thought and attended hui , thinking they were part of the process. But it was a dual process as other hui were being held with Ngati Mutunga Iwi Trust ..and no one knew...Even those held in NZ, and those who attended the Waikanae Hui at Whakarongotai Marae , can well remember the farce as the constitution changed as people tried to have input...

And Ohh! guess who Chaired the Hui? No other then the now infamous Danny Mullins ..It will be interesting to see where and how and if any of his $300,000 income was derived from his business relationships with the Iwi Trust. Oh well, it is now all under investigation.
The point being , the foundations upon which the fish settlement was set up with TOKM and the Iwi Trust, lay the whaariki for its current problems . It had to happen... a bit like the leaky homes syndrome..

And so we have the water supply, the mining rights and the manawhenua of the Chathams still unanswered. TOKM was smart enough to set up the deal with the Iwi Trust and Moriori, with the proviso that it is without predjudice to manawhenua rights over the Chathams. both parties had to agree to the split coastline.

What I cannot workout is this.
In customary terms, you have to have continuous ownership of the land adjoining the sea and presumably the lakes & waterways. Lake Waikaremoana, Lake Taupo, Lake Rotorua, Lake Ellismere and others all set precedents for this question.
So what coastline did the Iwi Trust agree was Ngati Mutunga and what half what Moriori? What whanau still own those lands and many still live on the same land blocks from 1835 ?
.............and remembr, the Islands were not brought into the jurisdiction of the Crown unitl 1842. Do they fit the analysis done by the Iwi Trust or did they just do it as they are doing the yearly distribution of quota to the people? In a closed door hui behind the cowshed?

I'm picking no one knows what went on then and even less know about what is going on right now.
Who knows about how the water legislation will affect the Chathams? GO ASK THE CHATHAM ISL.ANDS COUNTY COUNCIL They are a Regional Council and
manage out to the 200 mile Zone.
Who knows how the mining in DOC land or anywhere on the Chathams 200 mile Zone, will affect the Chathams? GO ASK THE CHATHAM ISLAND COUNTY COUNCIL AND D.O.C. They will know
Who knows about what is happening with the assets of Ngati Mutunga Iwi Trust that have been liquidated ? GO ASK THE BOARD MEMBERS. ASK THE CHAIRPERSON. They will know and members have a right to know

Lastly but the most important of all, why is the Minister of Treaty Settlements meeting with .
Moriori and Ngati Mutunga Iwi Trust to discuss the lake this month?
I sincerely hope the Runanga has received the papers and the invitation to attend . This is where the rubber hits the road ...and thank God for having a Judge of the Maori Land Court as a Chairman , to guide the Runanga...
My question ' Why is the Minister looking at the lake as an issue associated with the Seabed & Foreshore Review WHEN THE LAKE IS NOT AN ARM OF THE SEA?
His comments that it was left out of the Review , leads one to think
there is an assertion that the lake is part of the sea. It may be large..but it is not an arm of the sea.
Just remember, you don't have to agree with the Minister. it can be left until you do your settlements with Crown rather then have to fight to get it back of them because of the political aganda.
I suspect they are trying to do a deal like the Waikato deal with Tainui..
What are you going to do about it?

The tangled web goes on...as does life...

cheers e

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