Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Important Thing Is Not The Number Of Years Given To A Man But What He Does With Them

Well, the Hui is over and the new interim committee of the Runanga is in place .
However, already the underlying conflicts have threatened the peace of a new way forward. What a start!
Accusations of death threats!!! Sounds like someone is watching too many dvd's ! Such drama! Oh well, No doubt the appropriate people will sort that out.

Aue !! Upon the shoulders of those elected, lies the future of Mutunga
I salute their courage!

I was astounded to receive notices about the liquidation of a trust that seemingly, was holding the assets of the Iwi Trust. Does that mean the assets of Ngati Mutunga Iwi Trust, are now in the hands of the liquidator? What a mess! How did that happen? Paula, aren't you the Chairmaperson responsible for good governance? You are supposed to tell the members about signoificant changes to the assets of the people.

How can someone do so much damage in so short a time? If these documents are confirmation of such actions, then Ngati Mutunga is in pickle. Who is running the Trust? Who was the Chair when it happened? they should resign. Who were the advisors?
But the Iwi Trust non't have Treaty policies so it may well be that such compliance mechanisms , don't count. But how did they get the assets in the first place?
What are they doing? For those who may not know what's going on, the papers are added to the blog on the left. It will take you to the NZ Companies Office.
I will keep putting things up as they arrive

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