Sunday, February 1, 2009

what to do when the wires are had-it in a closed circuit box..

One of the greatest legacies I inherited from my parents, was the childhood I had. There is no way I would have achieved any of the things I have done, if I had not had those experiences, skills and strengths that I absorbed from one of the most powerful learning systems in the world - the family.
I am not saying I had a challenge free childhood but I learnt how to deal with complex human relationship things that happen every day in any country, in any community, in any family throughout the world. The only thing that was different was the context in which it happened .

In an isolated place like the Chatham Islands, your world is constructed from the memories , feelings, thoughts and scars on your skin about the events that shaped your life in an island environment. From bullying at home and school, to amazing teachers who reached out and drew out your thinking to embrace the world around you no matter what you did, to parents who never smacked. In all this, while surrounded by nature at its best and the freedom to explore to an extent that is impossible in most countries throughout the world. It is little wonder we all long to go home.

So when the place of your childhood is moved to a place of crisis and destruction by the actions of others, it is a primal instinct that kicks in and moves to protect that which nurtured you.
I remember the horrific gut wrenching paralysis I felt when I realised that there was nothing I could do to stop the incurable disease that eventually killed my son. The only thing to do was to watch it happen. I learnt some things about life & people & institutions & human behaviour then. And I m still here - so there must be work to do.

I have just heard about a hui held on the Islands this weekend, where the Ngati Mutunga Iwi Trust was presented with a petition by a group of people who are objecting to holding a financial audit of the Ngati Mutunga Iwi Trust's books. Isn't that a bit strange? I thought audits were a normal financial process of accountability to make sure things were being done properly? Can you petition against a financial audit of an organisation? Something funny going on I think!
AND I also heard that the Chairman of the other Mutunga group, the Runanga, is not interested joining together with da cousins on the Ngati Mutunga Iwi Trust !!!

Hmmm! did he ask the members of the Runanga ? Or did he just make the decision himself? Not again, Charlie!! Haven't you learnt anything yet? You have to call a meeting of the people, especially as they are your Ngati Mutunga relations ! You have to ask them what they think about things, that is what the law says. How else are we going to know what's going on?
Ohhh gosh , that's right! you fired all the staff, didn't you! But that was two years ago. Have you told members yet?
You cannot run an Iwi organisation on your own, without an Iwi. Charlie! You just got to have an Iwi if you are the Chairman of an iwi organisation. You have to have a committee elected by the people as set out by your constitution. And you can't keep running to TPK for help .
Anf there's a new party and new rules in place now! They can't call a Hui, you have to, you are the Chairman. Why hasn't your lawyer told you these things? Something funny going on I think !
Come on, Charlie, there's work to be done. e hoa!
The government has told everyone in as many forums as possible, that there is a major economic slam dunking coming . Our families and farms deserve better a better deal then then the one you're giving them. Talk to the people.

And I sent a message just for you, just in case you were stuck for ideas, suggesting the Mutunga groups should form one group to work out how to deal with the major crisis that will hit the Islands and all our families this year. but it seems you are not interested in doing that? Why not? There should only be one Mutunga group for the Islands which includes all iwi members.

YOU as the leader, have to set up things to PROTECT not DESTROY the people.
My view is you should move now or get out of the way of Mutunga!
What have you done for Mutunga in the past 2 years ? Perhaps your loyalties lie somewhere else?
You are not trying to undermine Mutunga are you, Charlie? Or is someone else telling you how to drive your car? You wouldn't do that would you? I trust you.
I mean, your Mum is Mutunga , a Pomare, she is my mother's cousin. Your Grandfather had tremendous mana. He fought for better deals from government for Maori farmers way back. The world only knows about his brother, Maui but you carry the mantle of your grandfather who did just as much. Get on with your job!

Stop hiding behind your lawyer and talk to the people!

This does not have to be way forward for Chatham Island Maori. The people deserve a better deal.


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