Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Legacies Of Our Time...

Many have written about who we are , where we are from , how we lived , how we get on with each other , about who said what and who did this and who did that.....For what ever reason or cause, the words they have written , have created a history about us , that is now taken as gospel in the minds of people ...These have caused government's to create policies , that we have to live with...

But what about our stories?

what about our histories about our lives with each other, about how we lived with each other? worked with each other , built roads and schools and homes and sheep yards and fences with each other, ran the committees and Council with each other...married each other, had families, died and were buried with each other?
These first began to emerge with the Sealords case in 1992 when the Runanga challenged the Crown and the tribes of NZ, for a right of access to the fisheries settlement , in its own right.

The Legacy of Roger...

We did this by sending Roger out to sea so that legal advisors for the NZ Maori Council, would not find or reach him, to get him to agree to the settlement that had been agreed to, by the Crown and the tribes of NZ. The Chathams was included in the initial case against the Crown ( known as the Muriwhenua case) through the NZ Maori Council. ( they were members as Chatham Island Maori Committee), and Roger had signed the Claim. All members had to agree to withdraw the case from the High Court, to enable the deal with Carter Holt Harvey , to proceed.
The only way to challenge the deal, was to remain lodged in the High Court...which we did by changing lawyers. If it wasn't for the Runanga doing that, the Chathams would not have access as a seperate zone, as you have now.

The Waitangi Tribunal hearings followed and a host of stories have been told. Islanders talking about who they were, how they lived and what it was really like on the islands. Each is told through their own eyes... as they ought to be...
So why have we got such a mess now now? Why is there such a split in our whanau? What happened?

As the Tribunal hearings completed, I had a sense that our stories were not going to find a rightful place in the outcome. The Runanga immediately applied to the Chief Judge of the Maori Land Court, seeking a determination on who owned the lake bed of the Big Lake. Our request was ignored ..
When the tribunal report was released 8 years later.. we understood why..I had spoken to many experts, inlcuding Professor Alan Ward, on the issues throughout that time of waiting....including trying to understand 'Why are we waiting?'
There has been much written about the report since and much remains unsaid and unresolved.. Micheal Belgrave has written extensively about it and his findings have lead him ........

to the conclusion that Ngati Mutunga’s claims have been rejected, and that in doing so the Tribunal mirrors the actions of previous “courts” by handing on a fresh grievance to new generations ...'

You can read more in his book:
Historical Frictions: Maori Claims and Reinvented Histories by Michael Belgrave. Auckland University Press, Auckland. 2005. 388 p. NZ$49.95 (paperback). ISBN 1869403207

It would seem to me that there have been some huge myths created in the name of competition for resources around the Chathams.... And poor old Taranaki got blamed and done in...for it all! well...almost!


It's good to see the truth about where the name " Wharekauri " came from--- not from those Taranaki cannibals at all! And yet you will find most modern commentators of our history, attribute the name of Wharekauri, to the Taranaki invaders...the Maori name of Wharekauri and the Moriori name of Rekohu (meaning misty skies).' Wikipedia. The name 'Rerekohua' has gone and yet the translations are different.
' As for the origins of Moriori..Are they really different or just from an earlier migration? .Don't we all whakapapa back to Toi and Whatonga of our Polynesian ancestral geneology? And what of Rauru and Rongo and let's not forget those magical people from Waitaha?
In which case , is what happened to the tribal societies of Wharekauri, any different from that which happened to tribes in NZ as they migrated and settled the lands needed as they grew and sought resources to sustain themselves?

There exists a proliferation of stories by experts on the matter including Wikipedia.....

' It had been thought since the 1800s that the original Moriori arrived directly from more northerly Polynesian islands, which would make the Moriori's fishing rights claim invalid. However, current research indicates that ancestral Moriori were Māori who came to the Chathams from New Zealand about 1500.[4][5][6][7]
As Kerry Howe puts it,
'.Scholarship over the past 40 years has radically revised the model offered a century earlier by Smith: the Moriori as a pre-Polynesian people have gone (the term Moriori is now a technical term referring to those ancestral Maori who settled the Chatham Islands).'[8]

Oh well, they reckon if you cry loud and long enough, you'll get attention.

But I am not convinced that the crying was authentic in reality, truthful in content and historical fact , to warrant a $6 million payout of taxpayer funds for compensation and rehabilitation of what ? and for many people?

Perhaps the root cause of the destruction of our tribal community and the split in our whanau, over the last 30 years, can be found in the policies implemented by those whose quest to gain power and control, using deliberate strategies to seek popular support. These strategies were legitimised by the policies, legislation, regulations and administrative systems, implemented by our electoral processes.

My view is that this is the prime reason for the continuing chaos on the Islands and amongst our whanau. .It rules and divides and leaves a confusion of complex issues that numbs the senses and emotions into a paralysis that cauterises the ability of ordinary people to take action.....what can you really do, to effectively have a say in the governing of the islands, so that you have a better quality of life?

Gosh.!.. so many things go on without our knowing about them, don't they!

The only way out of the conflicts that plague our whanau, is for all groups to meet, to korero for as long as it takes, with a person who knows the rules and will do what is right for us, until we find a way forward ...TOGETHER..

Thank goodness we have the Cheif Justice of Nuie, who is also a judge in the High Court of the Cook Islands and a retired Cheif Judge of the Maori Land Court , as the Runanga Chairman...

Maybe he can sort this all out....If he can't , well, I'll have to ring up God next time....

Oh..did I tell you? he is of Mutunga whakapapa... cool dude ...don't forget to feed him well when he comes home to the Chathams !
He is the first person we have had who is a strong advocate with credibility that those who govern the islands, will listen to. Lets ask him to lead us through the tangled scrub of the past years, to find a pathway forward for all., while we still have him...

That would be a great legacy for us all to leave for our mokopuna..

We are kaitiaki of the Papatuanuku.. of our papakainga... of our whenua...

cheers Evelyn

Saturday, June 12, 2010

All That Is Necessary For The Triumph Of Evil Is That Good Men Do Nothing.

It has been an extraordinary week!

The continuing disaster of the oil leakage off the coast of Florida; the decision of the Judge on the death of Hawea Vercoe; the ducking and diving over the seabed & foreshore issues; the 'feigned remorse' of Minister G Brownlie as he apologised for not telling Ngati Porou and Te Whanau Apanui about the contract to explore for oil off their foreshores, that was already signed with an overseas oil interest; the protest over the attempts to push through amendments to allow local government(Councils) to privatise your water supply; and who could ignore following the news bulletins that became episodes akin to a TV soap, to keep up with the spending habits of our elected representatives of the Crown, especially Shane Jones ?
As someone once said .. event has happened, upon which it is difficult to
speak. and impossible to be silent...

On the bright side, the sight of Jim Hickey's and his team on a wintery visit to the Chathams, experiencing the delights of the island, was great. However, his shots of the closed Post office and businesses, told another story, to those who
who could see. I could not help wondering whether they would have been shut, if the proposal of the Runanga to build a meat processor on the Islands, had not been opposed by the Council, the Iwi Trust, Hokotehi Trust, Enterprise Trust, when the government officials visited the islands in 2005-6 ?
That was a project that had sound scientific and economic research support and was for the benefit of all Chatham Islanders. But the Island rot could not be stemmed . It was a case of playing the person , not the ball and you lost the game. In business, you have to play team. The economy has deteriorated further, whanau are leaving the islands , businesses are closing and that means little or no money coming into the families. What's happening to the schools? What's the cost of things on the island's now ? And so, what now?
But who's got it? who controls it and who gets the income from the fish inside your territorial waters? Chatham Island whanau or just a few select who can influence the committee's and don't have to rely on their farm incomes. ?
The deal done with TOKM was a shocka...!!
It looks like it might be revisisted..and so it should, if we are want to make sure there are no further injustices done. If we continue on the waka that was set up, it will be like the leaky homes syndrome.....things done for efficiency and commercial gain for those who did the deals behind the cowshed.
No wonder the Iwi Trust and Hokotehi committees are not interested in Treaty rights of Ngati Mutunga o Wharekauri. That would mean, the benefits have to be for all who could whakapapa to Mutunga o Wharekauri .
All members need to have a say in what's happening ... it is written into their contract with TOKM but is ignored.
The tribal right is a collective right , not an individual right, as are the rights bestowed by the Crown, via its various legal entitities. The fisheries settlement was compensation for a customary tribal right.... the rights belong to the tribe... not the committee.... The customary rights to the rohe, the turangawaewae, the papakainga, the taonga, i.e all its assets, belong to the collective i.e all members of th tribe.
Consultation with all its members , has to happen... I could not imagine the Executive committees of e.g. Tainui, Nga Puhi, Kai Tahu, getting away with the things that have happened in the tribal groups on the Islands.
You see, there is a fundamental principle of government ( or governance) at stake here and, it is one that you will need to know about, for example, if government ( or your local Council ), proceeds to privatise water and/or any other service, that you think is free
No taxation without representation....
What this means is, you have to be told before they carry out policies on your behalf, especially if they also incur levies, rates etc, i.e taxes.
If you own property and pay rates, it might be a good idea to write to your Iwi group and your local council. Ask if any services are going to be privatised, i.e like the school bus service on the islands, or your water services. Will a private company from NZ or is the Enterprise Trust, going to take over the water supply?
Click here if you are interested in any more information :

So, what prompted this post about things going on around us.?
I met my nephew downtown this week, while I was out on my daily walk and we had a korero over a cup of hot chocolate. What got me was his intense questioning about what was happening to Ngati Mutunga o Wharekauri ?

Questions about why there was nothing for people to learn about , to engage in and, more importantly, to develop economically as an Iwi. He asked why , despite there being a generation of highly skilled, educated and experienced members, but there was still no infrastructure that provided the trust, assurance and confidence, for them to engage in. He asked whether anyone was doing anything about the oil reserves around the islands? Was anyone looking after the Big lake?

Significantly, I was struck by the signals of his conversation about the fact that there was no sense of whanau, hapu or iwi community, that encouraged their involvement in their Iwi development. And that, is a tragic legacy of the committees' of the past 5 years. They have had millions of dollars in the bank, and yet still our whanau have left the islands. So you may wonder why I keep asking

" What were the $6 million of tax payer funds for and where is it now"

What it says is , as with the opposition to the meat processing plant, as with the collusion between the NM Iwi Trust and Hokotehi over the contract with TOKM, as with the continuing lack of accountability and transparency in the current Iwi committees, as with the destruction of the contract to be the education provider for the Chathams when the staff of the Runanga were dismissed, the negative impact upon our iwi whanau, has been significant.

The rules of the game being played by those in control, are destructive, out of date and have set up a process of developmental suicide for our Iwi.


As someone once said...


There are a lot of good people who just want to live ordinary lives...but sometimes, you just have to round up the mob and do some dagging....

cheers Evelyn

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Bright Stars Of Our Future....

We are not good at celebrating our achievements and we ought to.. Instead we are more likely to give out a sarcastic slur... a joke.. as a way of dealing with our feelings about success ..or is that makes us do what we do.

Here is someone we can all celebrate as she is one of us...
She is the mokopuna of Uncle Raape Tuuta and Aunty Joan...
And she already has LLB ( Honours) and BA Maori...!

Click here

Congratulations to Meika Foster on being awarded the 'Faculty of Science Postgraduate Research Prize for Outstanding Academic Achievement'.

Isn't she cool!!

Messages From The Mists Of Time...

Technology has opened up the world and as information spreads far and wide, old ways of doing things, are falling over. People can read and search for information about what ever they want ...and that is great.

I had a great teacher of customary Maori law and was taught about Maauriuri.

These things always held a sense of the unreachable .. of things known only to a few. It was easy to hold that sense that I now knew something 'special' and would only engage in conversation about such matters, with those who already knew.

That was 30 years ago. Now it is all on the Internet... open for all to see and to know .. and that is great..

Here is an article that contains some of those 'special ' bits of information ..
Read about the Chathams and enjoy it for what it is...... A story of our past that can bring clarity in our present...

Is it a myth of not? Enjoy.

Click here: Te Runanganui O Waitaha me Maata Waka Inc . - Te Kauwae Raro

The question is, ' Who do we believe ?

a.The Maui Solomon/ Mana Cracknell / M King version?
b.The H T Whatahoro ( Maori version ) ?
c. S Percy Smith version of the account of Whatahoro. ?

d)And you can add to that, the stories of A Shand and Captain Gilbert Mair..
To add to the maze of myths and stories written by people who could write stories , are those found in the...

e) Maori Land Record's ... spoken by the Chiefs (in Maori) who actually 'did the deeds'.

So Where Do We Go Now?

The challenge is that NZ (represented by Dr P Sharples)have finally signed the Charter earlier this year, for the United Nations Permanent Forum of Indigenous Peoples Rights, having previously refused to do so. Moana Jackson is now drawing up a constitution to represent the indigenous peoples of NZ, to fit within the structures of that UN forum.

Click here if you want to read more on these issues for yourself..

The question is, .. how will the Chatham Islands fit itself into the new constitutional framework, being developed for the indigenous people of NZ?

How will it deal with the constitutional issues ( i.e. Treaty of Waitangi issues} of conquest? Raupatu? within its own Rohe, so that it can legitimately and authentically, fit in with the traditional and cultural norms of tribes in NZ. i.e tribes who practised the same customary traditions. No special deals this in the case of Ngati Mutunga o Wharekauri, when it came to raupatu at Wharekauri. it has been marketed as very uncommon....different...

In fact, the body of public and 'expert' opinion, can, at times, be said to have placed the raupatu of the Chatham Islands, within a zone of similarity not unlike that of the war crimes of the 1st and 2nd World war's of Europe..

I was once questioned by the media at the launch of the Waitangi Tribunal Report. We had already questioned why Parliament and not the Island , our papakainga. Consequently , a small team of Tribunal staff, including a few whanau, had flown in to the Islands, to deliver the document to the people. The flight down, apparently revealed a tale rather like the Erebus intrigue...
Moriori , however, preferred to have the document delivered in the that venerable icon of demacracy that we have in NZ, Parliament.

I was asked to go by those on the Islands, to 'keep an eye on things" .

At this event, I was asked by the media whether I felt sorry which I replied “For what?” . I had no idea what they were talking about ..until I was given a copy of the Waitangi Tribunal Report "Rekohu" in its own special kete..... ....and then I got it......
They already had their copies and were well aware of what was in the document.

I too, already knew...
What we had guessed 8 years previous ,was now being delivered with pomp and cakes and ale, in the very heart of the institution that continues relentlessly, to pursue the glorious -splendour of their tribal past - in a clone of their Westminister tikanga... parliament.

It was
a self fulfilling prophesy..playing out an irony that was both a tragedy and a comedy to watch...a bit like the Sealords Deal signing ...same place...same irony...same tragic comedy..

So you see.. these issues are not little matters. They are not the ravings of a ranting woman sending out 'diatribes ' as some would believe and say... They are about the legacy that has been left for you and for me and the one that you and I and what ever we each choose and decide to do, will leave our whanau ...our mokopuna......

It is as simple as that...It is not about the fish..or who got the quota...In a few years time.. the stocks will probably deplete ....and then what?

The unresolved matters of customary traditions as they affect the constitutional status of the iwi o Wharekauri, has to be resolved. Not talking about it, won't make it go away..It is a global issue now...

So What do you think or more importantly, what are you going to do?

Cheers Evelyn

Thursday, May 20, 2010

You Cannot Travel On The Path Until You Become The Path Itself. (Gautama Bouddha)

There can be no doubt that the path to a better future for the islands of Wharekauri, has been long entangled in its historic past.
Driven since the 1700's by a global demand for the economic gifts from the sea,and the pursuit of advantage by those who sought such riches, the island's are peopled by a mix of those who found safe haven, in those times of exploration.
Like many other NZ'ers, we grew up not knowing anything about that past, so I am always fascinated by the story of the battle with the French on Waitangi Beach - the same beach that we played on , got pipi and blind eels, and trained race horses or just raced for the fun of it.....the recent TV programme showing that Mark fella' (?) was a reminder that it is a local 'tradition' that still brings a lot of Island style fun.

And the attempt to buy the Islands ,by that astute German businessman back in the 1842, that eventually resulted in the British, ( we were under British rule - what ever that was ! ), intervening to stop the sale . The Brit's brought the Islands into the jurisdiction of NZ by moving to issue a Letters Patent , modifying the Charter of 1839 Colony of New Zealand, to include the Chathams. It shows that we have never been without importance in the economic equation of NZ as a nation, or indeed, other trading nations of the world.

Not only does it remind us of the rich history, that shaped the Islands before we were born, it also reminds us that the habits of history, are not easily discarded.. That it is the people who lived in those times, that set forth pathways for those of us who are now here. That's whakapapa...

There is nothing more frightful then ignorance in action

There are major changes going on, that will affect the economic realities of whanau on the Islands - even more, I would hazard a guess, then those of us in NZ. The Treaty settlement for the Islands , are also on the move again and we need to be reminded that the manawhenua of the Chatham Islands, has not been resolved yet.

There are those who would assume that the settlement for the fish, would be the way to go with the rest of the Treaty settlements, however, we must also realise, that raupatu has its own rules that are well laid down in legal precedent.

There's more then one issue to resolve. Lets not confuse them.

It cannot be assumed that the politics of fish will decide the land and lake settlements. That would be sheer arrogance ...even though some leaders are already pushing this....Just as well we have a independent Chair of the Runanga who is also an expert in the legislation as determined by the Maori Land Court! Lets hope we can find a way through the egoism of ignorance and self serving competitiveness of 'what's in it for me'.
You see, if there is going to be hope for the future for our mokopuna, then we must build our communities from the bottom up ....and that means focusing on what is happening inside our whanau and finding ways to bring out the best in them....Our kids and those still to come, deserve that respect and care. . .

I previously posted a story about what happened in the fish story and how the decision about islands around the Chathams, were dealt with.. well... not all of it. You see, again I am reminded of how people shape outcomes ..sometimes in a very disastrous way.

I have attached a followup to the last documents ,about how TOKM decided on how to deal with the Islands around the Chathams ..AND WHO was instrumental in making it happen. You see there were two submissions called for , within a very short time .. almost too short for credibility.. actually. the final draft was already on its way to the printer.before we finished .... but that's another story.......

Anyway , read and enjoy the game that went on...just remember, it was your islands , your papakainga, your manawhenua rights , your Treaty rights that were being decided.

My view is that the way to sort out this huha and fighting between the 'rellies, is to set up under our own Act of Parliament , seperate from other tribes ... after all we do have our own 200 mile zone outside the NZ 200 miles that's why we are 800 kms east of NZ... in most places... ... 2 + 2 = 4 and there's 4 left over..

What do you think ?. ...solves all those problems we have with the coastline calculations done by those clever people in TOKM, when they reduced out Treaty entitlements to fish species - and increased the right of all NZ tribes to our fish....around our coastline and within in our own 200 mile zone. .

Worse then that, they even took our Treaty rights and gave half away !!.. and some of our 'yes sir, no sir , three bag's full sir' whanau on the committees, nodded their heads in agreement, behind the cowsheds... but that's another story still to come....

But they forgot to ask us.....

Oh well...I suppose they got first bite at the 'fish and chips' ....that's called competitive advantage I suppose ..... good old fashion 'management technologies.' ....this is the way we do it around here.... .

That brings me to that $6million given to Hokotehi Moriori Trust

" Money is like manure. If you spread it around, it does a lot of good.
But if you pile it up in one place, it stinks like hell!"

Perhaps it was part of their Treaty settlement? Does that mean all other tribes who suffered raupatu, are also eligible for compensation?
Shucks ! the government has only just given $6.5 million to hurry up settling the rest of the claims for all Maori, by 2014 !
But they are a special case...peaceful people the myth goes..but whose myth is it?
..Moriori., we are lead to believe ....are different from Maori, ... ( that is , until the Sealords deal - they needed some fish! then they had to be considered as Maori ..what a drama that was ... full on fight...NO BLOOD WAS DRAWN....)......According to stories they were allowed to beat the s--- out of each other as long as they didn't draw blood...That's cool...a good idea if you are stuck on an isolated island with a fragile waka as the only means of transport and commnication . But what happens in the reality of now? Surely ,with planes and boats and trains and telephones and education and knowlege freely available to all as well as some handy colonial rules that banned slavery, female infanticide etc, the reason for crying , has long gone (I wonder if they knew about pressure points ? ancient therapies of Polynesia were well versed in these)

If they are so different , in what way? What is their whakapapa? Are they not from where other Polynesians come from? Who do they descend from?. (You might like to click on the article under WHAREKAURI on the right called = Ka haere a Kahu ki Wharekauri" Scroll down and you will reach the translation in english.)

You see , I am fully respectful of historic pasts and the colours and rich tapestries inherited from tribal cloaks. They maybe torn and tattered, but nevertheless, they are mine, handed down from times, now gone. And I am also respectful of those who are adorned by other tribal histories, that are very different from mine.
But lets clear out the weeds and scrub along the pathway .so that you can walk your path and I can walk mine.
There are tribal histories that are more ancient then the mists of time , and that are still untouched and unspoken by any of this modern colonial style tribal histories being dished up in the past 20 years , in the name of native rights. And I am in total respect and awe of the powerful messages, the fineness of leadership , the kaitiakitanga , rangatiratanga and manaakitanga, that those histories left as legacies for this time in our history. They are untouched and sit waiting for us to see it, to get it and to do it.

And so back to the myths of modern day Chatham Islands ! What a myth! ..but is it a myth deserving of an entitlement for more Treaty compensation then other Maori in NZ or the Chatham Islands? ..

What an ode to democracy and majority rule! .

You see, the Sealords Deal was hugely significant in customary terms as we witnessed the changing tides of tikanga Maori in a post modern Maori society, when it comes to the cutting edges of battle over territory and resources, with Crown. I have written about it as it affected us, and I will reference it on this site , when I can figure out how to do it.

Not to save those trees surely? How old are those trees at Kaingaroa anyway ? Why are they saving those?
Why don't they use those trunks old Mrs Jefferson shipped back to NZ on te coastal trader ? - along with those bones she dug up.
All I know is most of the kopi trees around the Island, are dead . Are there any kopi tree's or any tree for that matter, 100 years old ? how old are those tree's with pictures ?
So ,I reckon our artistic uncles carved those taonga ? Leo can tell you some great stories the ones we all did at some time in our younger days, on the limestone rocks and trees at home? It was part of life and what you did - if you wanted to..just for fun .outdoor learning and creativity...

Gosh, the more we ask, the less we know?




Life is so perplexing sometimes!

cheers Evelyn

PS. Access to the documents has been changed because security systems
are changing. Click on the documents under WHAREKAURI up there on the right and
it will take you to the page.
Follow the instructions. There are plenty more to come.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Tangled Web Continues...

The ownership of water supply to people and communities is under hot debate at this moment. Government are moving legislation to virtually privatise supply of water for 35 years.
............................AND THAT INCLUDES YOU ON THE CHATHAMS!!
But where does your water come from now? It might be a good idea to check up. I know we always had a huge water tank and the water came from God ....and when there was a drought.. the stock suffered and we had to be very careful having a wash. I wonder how they will cook up a scheme to fit the Islands current water supply to homes .

. A bit like when they privatised the power and you had to pay to put in your line to your house.
Imagine , just like the road works and the bus service to our schools - all run by NZ companies . Now government is moving legislation so that your water will also be owned and run by NZ owned companies.. for 35 years...

So too are mining exploration on so called DOC land.- and we all know about the mining rights around the Chathams and those minerals that lie hidden in the Big Lake....although some people may think we don't fact some people may not know at all..

Why am I bringing this up now?

Because you have to face what's happening to you.
You have the opportunity to stand up to government and say " No" no more .. you have taken everything we have ". And they have.

The fish settlement is a joke. I will lay out the behind-the-cow-shed negotiation with TOKM and Ngati Mutunga Iwi Trust all the while the people thought and attended hui , thinking they were part of the process. But it was a dual process as other hui were being held with Ngati Mutunga Iwi Trust ..and no one knew...Even those held in NZ, and those who attended the Waikanae Hui at Whakarongotai Marae , can well remember the farce as the constitution changed as people tried to have input...

And Ohh! guess who Chaired the Hui? No other then the now infamous Danny Mullins ..It will be interesting to see where and how and if any of his $300,000 income was derived from his business relationships with the Iwi Trust. Oh well, it is now all under investigation.
The point being , the foundations upon which the fish settlement was set up with TOKM and the Iwi Trust, lay the whaariki for its current problems . It had to happen... a bit like the leaky homes syndrome..

And so we have the water supply, the mining rights and the manawhenua of the Chathams still unanswered. TOKM was smart enough to set up the deal with the Iwi Trust and Moriori, with the proviso that it is without predjudice to manawhenua rights over the Chathams. both parties had to agree to the split coastline.

What I cannot workout is this.
In customary terms, you have to have continuous ownership of the land adjoining the sea and presumably the lakes & waterways. Lake Waikaremoana, Lake Taupo, Lake Rotorua, Lake Ellismere and others all set precedents for this question.
So what coastline did the Iwi Trust agree was Ngati Mutunga and what half what Moriori? What whanau still own those lands and many still live on the same land blocks from 1835 ?
.............and remembr, the Islands were not brought into the jurisdiction of the Crown unitl 1842. Do they fit the analysis done by the Iwi Trust or did they just do it as they are doing the yearly distribution of quota to the people? In a closed door hui behind the cowshed?

I'm picking no one knows what went on then and even less know about what is going on right now.
Who knows about how the water legislation will affect the Chathams? GO ASK THE CHATHAM ISL.ANDS COUNTY COUNCIL They are a Regional Council and
manage out to the 200 mile Zone.
Who knows how the mining in DOC land or anywhere on the Chathams 200 mile Zone, will affect the Chathams? GO ASK THE CHATHAM ISLAND COUNTY COUNCIL AND D.O.C. They will know
Who knows about what is happening with the assets of Ngati Mutunga Iwi Trust that have been liquidated ? GO ASK THE BOARD MEMBERS. ASK THE CHAIRPERSON. They will know and members have a right to know

Lastly but the most important of all, why is the Minister of Treaty Settlements meeting with .
Moriori and Ngati Mutunga Iwi Trust to discuss the lake this month?
I sincerely hope the Runanga has received the papers and the invitation to attend . This is where the rubber hits the road ...and thank God for having a Judge of the Maori Land Court as a Chairman , to guide the Runanga...
My question ' Why is the Minister looking at the lake as an issue associated with the Seabed & Foreshore Review WHEN THE LAKE IS NOT AN ARM OF THE SEA?
His comments that it was left out of the Review , leads one to think
there is an assertion that the lake is part of the sea. It may be large..but it is not an arm of the sea.
Just remember, you don't have to agree with the Minister. it can be left until you do your settlements with Crown rather then have to fight to get it back of them because of the political aganda.
I suspect they are trying to do a deal like the Waikato deal with Tainui..
What are you going to do about it?

The tangled web goes does life...

cheers e

Sunday, May 2, 2010

" ,,,The Tangled Web.continues......

I was reflecting upon the dilemma that must face those who liquidated the assets of Ngati Mutunga Iwi Trust recently. How on earth did it happen?

Someone once said we should reflect on our past as it allows us to find the wisdom of where we have been. Those words came to me as I began to wonder what Trust entity could still be in place that would create the confusion that lead to liquidating assets.

And then I began to remember .... and I am almost sorry I started to remember until I realised..' not many know this story ..and they deserve to know so that they may think about what happened and why and whether it contributed to the chaos of the Treaty fish settlements to the Islands. and our whanau.. it all occurred during their lifetimes. If nothing else, it brings light upon a time that has been hidden ... and there is no need for it to be so...

I was emptying by files and came across a letter following up a submission to TOKM, on the final allocation policies for allocation of the fisheries assets. I focused on a section of a letter sent to TOKM,, challenging the fact TOKM had ignored the Runanga submission regarding the Islands surrounding the Chathams. TOKM was stating , instead, that the Runanga was not seeking entitlement to the coastline lengths of all our Islands...which, in fact, was a whole lot of ...B...S...! The submission of the Runanga, had clearly included manawhenua of all the surrounding Islands in its Rohe potae.
" I note your endorsements of the Commissions proposal for a seperate fishery for the Chatham Islands as proposed in "Ahu Whakamau" and 'He Kawai Amokura' and also that Te \Runanga o Wharekauri Rekohu Incorporated, does not seek entitlement to the coastline lengths of any other Islands...."

I have posted the Runanga submission to TOKM on ' Islands ' and you can click on it, in the right column of the blog.
Try finding the statement that may have persuaded TOKM that the Runanga was not seeking manawhenua or entitlement to the coastline lengths of the Islands.of Wharekauri....!!.

So why did TOKM cook up that b...s....? More importantly, HOW ?

A way through the intrigue, the deceit, the chaos of the Treaty fish settlement for the Chathams, can be found, but if we can reflect upon what happened... to find a way forward , using the wisdom found in the pain and conflicts ... that is the nature of human survival, the nature of hope...
Doing the same things will not bring greater health , wealth or a better future. for Ngati Mutunga o Wharekauri, our whanau or those generations yet to be born.
More next time..
cheers e

Saturday, May 1, 2010

What A Tangled Web We Weave, When First We Practise To Deceive"

There are things going on with the groups that purport to represent Ngati Mutunga o Wharekauri, that reminds me of a Chocolate Wheel at the School Fair.
We are all holding our batons with our numbers, that we have bought ( no Treaty rights here!) watching it spin , hoping it will stop at our number...
The problem is, you don't have to be Ngati Mutunga to buy a ticket.. you can be another tribe in NZ, a commercial company, a local government ... just buy your ticket and watch the spin...

The question is .." Who's spinning the Wheel ? "

I am even more confused when I see that the Ngati Mutunga Iwi Trust have liquidated the trust that holds the assets of the Tribe . And even more intrigued when we see who has joined the Iwi Trust as ' helpers to the management' in some form or other....TOKM must be worried... Stock depletions, economic recession , liabilities of quota ownership, deepsea stocks depleting...contracts to meet....oohhh what a headache!
Might just join Twitter with this one...Don't you just love technology!..
Keep following this ...
I'm still trying to find a job to pay off my bills from the 3 years of nailing the Runanga Chairman and his cohorts ..
Almost there...Life's a B---- sometimes!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

We All Live UnderThe Same Sky But We Don't All Have The Same Horizen.

The Seabed & Foreshore legislation is a hot topic at the present moment but I am wondering whether our leaders on the Iwi Trust and the new Runanga committee , understand what it means . How will they develop a process that enables Iwi members to understand and contribute to a Ngati Mutunga Iwi policy, on the Seabed & Foreshore?
I was especially concerned when I heard that the old song of " But you only want to take control away from the Island" was being sung by the committees again , when members say 'we want to have a say in what happens to our tribe.'

My question to them is" what do you control now?" .

This was a song sung by both NM Iwi Trust and the Runanga , way back in the 1990's, even after TOKM and government had made the rule that no iwi member could be excluded from the entitlements of Treaty settlements. It is what made a group from Christchurch and a group from the North Island, set up entities, to enable them to have a say in what was happening to their Iwi on the Chatham Islands. This was unfortunate as it set up another faction within Ngati Mutunga, which it did not need. However, we had no process to participate in the existing Iwi groups who represented Ngati Mutunga o Wharekauri.

In fact the only thing they controlled , was the money in the bank that they had received from leasing fish assets from TOKM. and who was got the leased fish each year. It became clear that those on the committees, wanted to keep control over the resources , rather then take responsibility for the rangatiratanga o Ngati Mutunga o Wharekauri, in its rohe potae.

Have things changed? What do they control now?

The customary rights of Ngati Mutunga? The land development ?, rates ? The government? The policies that affect the island? Submission to legislative changes are few and do you let the people know , what you are saying in the one's you do submit!! What about health services to the island? Education policies as they affect the island children? DOC? Economic development of the island? And the fish settlement for TOKM ? well...that is a story to tell your mokopuna....what a disaster!
How many millions have you received from the fish and how many millions have been spent on educating our children ? on training our young people? or on the health care of our old people and our young families? These are things you, as our leaders, ought to be dealing with. If you read your constitutions, it is all laid out there .

As well as all that, you are supposed to administer and manage the organisations , on our behalf and in the best interests of the members of the organisations i.e us the members of Ngati Mutunga o Wharekauri.

Rangatiratanga, manaakitanga, kaitiakitanga are principles of Kaupapa & Tikanga Maori. Do these committee's understand their fiduciary duties of care of the people, within these principles?

As far as I can see, you don't actually control any of those things now - so what is it you are really concerned about? At best, we only find out what you are doing , after it has all happened. As for the customary rights of Ngati Mutunga, how many tribal members have had input into any policy development over the past 4 years? .

It is a bit like living in the dark ages ! It would be too easy to say ' lets help them i.e those who are on the committees, ' but I don't think they would listen to anyone...and they certainly don't ask us for opinions ! . While other tribes seem to have come into the 21st century, and try to comply with normal management systems, or at least we can see and hear in the media when they do things that are not quite right. No doubt you have read about the Danny Mullins and his team of cohorts who managed the Te Runanga o Atiawa ki Whakarongotai of Waekanae. What people maynot know is the close association with the Ngati Mutunga o Wharekauri Iwi Trust as Danny was an active member of the Trust. . You might wonder how come ?

Well, if you go back to my earlier posts on the pre 1835 history, you will fiind some answers in the migrations that were taking place as settlors from Britian were making their mark in Aotearoa.
Along with the pressures that were occurring between tribes as they fought battles over territory, so too were tribes having to contend with the British settlors who were looking for land to settle. Soldiers, guns and new religions gave weight to the complexities of survival as a tribe. Mutunga Cheifs, along with those Cheifs of associate hapu and tribes, took part in various heke , to find new and safe havens for their whanau and hapu. These heke were usually carried out with great strategic intent, planned relationships and many battles that are still remembered today in whaikorero, waiata and haka. That was the custom pre 1840.

So what has that got to do with Ngati Mutunga o Wharekauri Iwi Trust and Te Runanga o Whakarongotai ki Waikanae and Danny Mullins and his cohorts ?
Whakapapa is a grand thing - you can pick your firends but you can't pick your relations.
What you will find is that many whanau from Waikanae are descendant to Wharekauri whanau i.e those who migrated in the various heke from Taranaki, Waikato and other areas, eventually moved on and settled either to south of Waikanae or to Wharekauri. That was the custom of pre 1840 life in Aotearoa...That is the whakapapa of Ngati Mutunga o Wharekauri

I was fascinated to find the names of tupuna of many whanau on the Islands today. Prominant names who laid claims to land blocks in Waikanae is that of Inia Tuhata.. and Mere Pomare..- she was the first wife of Inia Tuhata and the second wife of Wi Naera Pomare . Also we find tne names of Te Wiata, Tamati and many explained why my father has land on Kapiti... It would be interesting to see who on the Islands Danny laid whakapapa to.

So.. that is why Treaty issues are critical for Ngati Mutunga...and the landblocks .that were set up by tpuna..It defines cut off points for those who settled on stayed and developed the land.and held the ahi kaa , those who .who love elsewhere, who while they may whakapapa , it is with a different relationship with the whenua, that needs to be defined and developed. I don't mean there is no relationahip , it will be different.
If you understand the full significance of the signiture by NZ to the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, , you will understand why we have to get the Treaty Rights done properly. Before NZ signed ( by Dr P Sharples last week) 144 countries agreed and signed up, 4 had opposed (US, NZ Australia and Canado) and 11 had abstained. Australia and NZ have just signed.
Treaty matters are not racist issues, they are about the future of our kids and the Chathams.

The iwi of Wharekauri, seem to be lagging behind in the bog, a position that does us all no favours. It in fact, allows government to either keep on ignoring the Chathams or to just make rules to keep everyone in the same place., predictable and the same...
A website hides the truth - it looks good & probably cost as much, but where is it going? Where are the people policies ? It allows those with computers and internet connection ( those can afford it) to talk to each other.. but how about those who dont have computers? who don't have telephones?
A Chatham Island picnic won't cut it in a economic recession....makes you feel good but it but changes nothing...

Our whanau are leaving the islands so what are the leaders doing with our resources?

Find a way forward so that Ngati Mutunga can look after its people , its whenua and its future.

The Important Thing Is Not The Number Of Years Given To A Man But What He Does With Them

Well, the Hui is over and the new interim committee of the Runanga is in place .
However, already the underlying conflicts have threatened the peace of a new way forward. What a start!
Accusations of death threats!!! Sounds like someone is watching too many dvd's ! Such drama! Oh well, No doubt the appropriate people will sort that out.

Aue !! Upon the shoulders of those elected, lies the future of Mutunga
I salute their courage!

I was astounded to receive notices about the liquidation of a trust that seemingly, was holding the assets of the Iwi Trust. Does that mean the assets of Ngati Mutunga Iwi Trust, are now in the hands of the liquidator? What a mess! How did that happen? Paula, aren't you the Chairmaperson responsible for good governance? You are supposed to tell the members about signoificant changes to the assets of the people.

How can someone do so much damage in so short a time? If these documents are confirmation of such actions, then Ngati Mutunga is in pickle. Who is running the Trust? Who was the Chair when it happened? they should resign. Who were the advisors?
But the Iwi Trust non't have Treaty policies so it may well be that such compliance mechanisms , don't count. But how did they get the assets in the first place?
What are they doing? For those who may not know what's going on, the papers are added to the blog on the left. It will take you to the NZ Companies Office.
I will keep putting things up as they arrive

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Few Things Are More Satisfying Then Being Able To Inspire Other Human Beings To Accept New Challenges

It has been almost 8 months since my last post - much has happened.
Decisions of the court have been made and set in place, and so now, we set
out on new journeys and challenges. It is a time of change.
Personally, the challenges of the past three years cauterised the very core but I
am mindful of the following words as we seek to rebuild Ngati Mutunga o Wharekauri..

' There must be no bitterness in the reconstruction work. We must try to forgive those who injure us"
Madame Kai Shek.
As the journey to repair the splintered and charred whare that cloaked the journey through the very heart of the tribe, continues, it is with hope and anticipation of a better future for Ngati Mutunga o Wharekauri, that I begin to write again.

As for the issues of the case, it seems important to let you know what has happened since the court decision. Throughout this blog, the consistent statement has been that the whole affair did not have to happen. So many rules of the constitution were broken that clearly the lack of management knowledge and skill of the Board members steering the ship. were wanting. While my goal was to get it resolved quickly, and to get on with the Runanga duties, if we look at the delays and time dragging by the Chairman and his advisor, it clearly was not a priority of the Chairman. It seemed they were more interested in playing the person and not the ball.

Throughout the 2 and half years, the process was thwarted by the constant attempts
to lay the blame for the debts upon me.
While it was difficult ignore the accusations, my advisers were adamant, that I
take a pathway that would lead the tribe out of the violence and destruction
that was being laid upon the Runanga, and leave aside the matters and accusations that were being slated me, until the main task was done.
For my part, it was imperative that the Runanga and the customary rights of Mutunga, be placed in a safe space, where the issues could be addressed in a proper manner and time.
It is the reason why I chose to negotiate a settlement as it was the quickest way to end the case.
In the event, the action taken by the Chairman ,destroyed the whole
internal and external infrastructure of the tribe. Networks and relationships
that had taken years to set in place, were wiped out. Today there remains but
the threads of the original whaariki, that was set in place by the old people.
The opportunity loss not only for Ngati Mutunga o Wharekauri and its members but also for the whole Island community, has been significant.

Consequently, following the case,I laid a complaint to the Law Society,
against the legal advisor. The assumption is that it was he provided advice to the Chairman. Despite the difficulties around process, the situation remains on the table. While the argument is that lawyers are entitled to use a robust and forthright manner in the protection of their client, my concern remains.
The concern is that as an officer of the court , a legal advisor has duties in carrying out the roles and responsibilities of justice. An officer of the court must not use, or knowing assist in using ,the law or legal processes for the purpose of causing unnecessary embarrassment, distress or inconvenience to another person's reputation, interests, or occupation. An officer of the court has an over riding duty to the court, which includes a duty of fidelity or honesty to the court.

The concern expressed to the Law Society remains as follows;
Over the 2 and a half years I was consistently accused by the legal advisor, of being responsible for the financial decisions and situation of the Runanga even though he knew I was never the CEO or had any authority for financial decisions, and that he had lost the staff grievance case against the Runanga, in the Employment Court.
What I want to know is whether it is acceptable that " deception' be considered an acceptable form of strategy or action taken by an officer of the court, in the robust and forthright defense of the client ?
I await their reply...and will be relieved when the nightmare ends.....
The question is... have the lessons been learnt? Will the next
governing board of the Runanga , understand what happened? Or will
they continue to do things 'the way we always do things' and play the person and not the ball?
Perhaps the bigger question is 'what is it we want for our tribe ? 'for our Rohe? for our whanau?
Do we want or value our tribe Ngati Mutunga o Wharekauri?
What do you want your tribe to do?
Do you know what your tribal land block or hapu is ? Did you know there was
What do you want? What do you know?
My belief is that people have become so disconnected from the tikanga and culture of their tribal selves that when critical constitutional matters relating to their culture , arise, there is no understanding of its critical value in determining the impact uopon their needs and those of their whanau.
Consequently, I don't think people even think about these matters as the demands placed upon them to survive, overwhelms some and for others, closes down the freedoms of believing they have a right to the resources that have been caught in the tahae net.
The effort of trying to neeet the ever changing demainds of our daily lives, overwhelms and reduces the energy and time required , for us to consider these important things that are the real things that control how we live. Worse then that, no one really knows how to change what is happening.
My hope is that Ngati Mutunga o Wharekauri becomes a time, a place and vehicle that grows the families of Ngati Mutunga , develops the Rohe o Wharekauri in a way that
brings prosperity for and from the resources and benefits the whole of the Chatham
Islands. It is our papakainga, our whakapapa , our tupuna rohe.
"If you want one year of prosperity,
Grow grain.
If you want to grow 10 years of prosperity,

Grow trees,
If you want one hundred years of prosperity,
Grow people "
Ref: Success is in Giving. W Harria1998.
It is a time for reconstruction......a challenging time of growth be taken one step at a time..
cheers Evelyn

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